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Attention, c'est une arnaque !
Même si le nom de domaine affiché est bien le vôtre (j'ai remplacé ici le
mien par
XXXX.COM), que votre nom en clair y figure, ainsi que votre numéro
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Votre renouvellement annuel ne vous est demandé que par votre registrar
(votre fournisseur de nom domaine chez qui vous vous êtes inscrit).
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Registration Expiration
Order #: 25528667
Order Date: May 9, 2012Bill To: Domain Owner
route de xxxx
Domain Name
May 9, 2012 - May 9, 2013Price
1 Year
Domain Name:
To: Domain Owner
Registration includes SE submission for
XXXX.COM for 12 months. There is
no obligation to pay for this order unless you complete your payment by May
24, 2012. SE Services provides submission services and search engine ranking
organization for domain owners. This offer for submission services is not
required to renew your domain registration.
Failure to complete your search engine registration by May 24, 2012 may
result in the cancellation of this order (making it difficult for your
customers to locate you using search engines on the web).
For Domain Name:
You have received this message because you elected to receive special
notifications and offers for
XXXX.COM. If you no longer wish to receive our
special notices, please unsubscribe here, or mail us a written request to the
attention of: Customer Contact Manager, PO Box 4668 New York, NY
10163-4668. Please allow up to four weeks for the complete unsubscribe process to
take place. NOTE: If you have multiple accounts with us, you must opt out for
each one individually in order to fully stop receiving these notifications.
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